If you are a tree surgeon or you have an interest in the industry, you know the importance of Tree Preservation Orders, or TPOs. However, it appears many professionals in the industry don’t pay attention to these orders or decide against following correct procedure. This can be seen in the continual fines and penalties imposed on tree surgeons who carry …
Tree Surgeons Have Difficult Roles
When it comes to working as a tree surgeon, there are many known dangers and risks associated with the job. Professionals often must work at great heights and the equipment can be dangerous if it is not used correctly. In this regard, being a tree surgeon is not a job for the faint-hearted, but there are other issues and problems …
Tree Surgeon Brings The Cat Down
The word hero may be overused these days but for many people, anyone that puts themselves at risk of injury or goes the extra mile to ensure that animals are well looked after is worthy of praise and positive attention. This is the story surrounding a tree surgeon in Portadown who ensured that a cat was rescued after it had …
Tree Surgeon Fined After Tree Crashes On Parked Car
While there are many different parts of the job when you are a tree surgeon, there are some basic facts and matters that you need to remember. You should always have safety as the number one factor to consider, and this was not the case in Cornwall last year. In fact, it was very fortunate that no one was hurt …
Tree Surgeons Taking A Bad Rap In Some Areas
No matter what industry you think of, it is likely that the actions of a few people or companies will colour your thoughts of that entire industry or professionals. While some professionals will think that this doesn’t impact on them or that it allows them to be a better provider than some of the companies on offer, there is a …
Tree Replacement Service Will Lift Community Spirits
Although cutting down trees is a major part of the job for tree surgeons, it is a role that many within the sector are not happy with. You will find that most tree surgeons will do what they can to preserve a tree and make sure that it remains in place. This may see a tree surgeon pruning a tree …
Removal Of Tree Leaves Woman Angry And Upset
There is no denying that a great looking tree can brighten people’s moods and help people to feel cheerier about life. We can become used to certain things around our home and when these are removed, it can feel like a loss. This is the case for one woman in South Harrow who has been complaining about the removal of …
Trees Can Impact On Everyday Life
Even though many people love looking at trees, thinking that they add a great deal to the local environment, not everyone feels the same. There are times when people’s view is blocked by trees or trees cause an inconvenient route for people to take. It is important to remember that not everyone is enamoured with trees but even then, there …
Tree Surgeons Punished For Unlawful Activity
Tree surgeons are fully aware that there is a need for permission to work on some trees and that many trees carry a protected status. It is imperative that tree surgeons carry out research on what work they can do in certain areas before they begin but for a multitude of reasons, many tree surgeons decide against this action. However, …
Trees must be protected
The controversy that surrounded the decision to fell thousands of trees in Sheffield is still being felt. Even though these trees were replaced with saplings, many people believe that this was the wrong move. The fact that police officers and security guards have been used to support the work, being undertaken against a backdrop of protests has only made the …